On 16th November 2019 we held our first discovery day!
For those of you who don’t know, a discovery day is an event that gives people an opportunity to learn about a business, meet the people involved and, in our case, find out how they can get involved.
We were all a bit nervous, but very excited to see what the day would bring! We set up our presentation room, got out our hoops and stuck the kettle on in anticipation for people arriving. Once everyone was accounted for, Tracey began by introducing herself and the rest of the team (a friendly bunch of faces if we do say so ourselves) and started off the presentation with her fountain of Hoopstarz knowledge.

Midway through the morning we moved out into the atrium area and led a miniature Hoopstarz session; starting with the basics of how to stand and move the hoop, then to jumping, to criss-crossing, to balancing, to spinning, to all sorts of fun hoop games and more! A laugh a minute!
For the rest of the morning we enjoyed coffee and delicious cakes (provided by our amazing Devon) whilst Tracey finished off the presentation and answered any and all questions people had about starting up their own Hoopstarz franchise. The event was a huge success, we always love an opportunity to share the magic of Hoopstarz with more people and our first discovery day was definitely sprinkled with that magic.
Hoopstarz Team x